
Because what you don’t know can hurt you

The school2life™ curriculum covers a wide range of topics that are all critical for succeeding in the job search process, on the job and in becoming financially independent. Our approach is customized to support our clients’ unique experiences, skill sets and financial situations.

Marketing & Branding Yourself for Career Launch & Advancement

These customized, interactive workshops provide vital—yet seldom taught—career search insights. Participants will have taken actionable steps to execute their internship/job search process, build a professional network, and obtain sophisticated communication tactics and strategies necessary to create growth opportunities and receive offers!

Why not have a personalized career G.P.S?

Guided Professional Services

Become a competitive candidate in your educational and professional pursuits by understanding and leveraging your unique skills, creating relevant connections to build your professional network, and utilizing personal branding and marketing methods to communicate your experiences and capabilities with relevance, sophistication, and confidence—the trifecta of skills essential for generating growth opportunities and managing career pivots.

The result?

In each session, participants will take essential steps to start a successful job or internship search and learn how to thrive in their roles to ensure career advancement.

Why not have a personalized career G.P.S?

Marketing & Branding Yourself for Career Launch & Advancement

Session Topics & Participant Outcomes

Session 1 (2hr): Internships & Salaried Job Search: Develop a Competitive Resume

Topics Include:

Session 2 (2hrs): Networking with Purpose: Develop a LinkedIn Prole and Professional Network

Topics Include:

Session 3 (2hr): Develop Competitive Cover Letters & Overview Application Process

Topics Include:

Session 4 (2hrs): Networking with Purpose: Develop a LinkedIn Prole and Professional Network

Topics Include:

s2 l’s Concierge Career Guided Professional Services

Rates, Deliverables & Details

  • Personalized guidance, supporting each client’s immediate unique career goal: Internship or Entry-level job
  • Individual action item list following each meeting with immediate next steps
  • Concierge service for correspondence between sessions through text or email to address questions about the TODO list and support client progress as schedules permit
  • Create relevant, business-savvy materials to convey the value of individual achievements, experiences,
    capabilities, and potential
  • Access to 14k school2life professional network
  • Gain first-hand experience to understand the tactical and strategic steps necessary to navigate a successful
    search, thereby minimizing the stress and anxiety that may arise when launching future endeavors, job
    searches, or pivots
  • And so much more (see for HAPPY STUDENT testimonials.
  • Workshops Series Sessions 1-4 (8hrs): $2000 per Student (4 ppl per session- min 2)
    O Includes individual actionable TO DO list and between-session phone assistance
  • Individual Workshop Sessions (2hrs): $550
    O Include individual TODO lists and follow-up call
  • Private Consult with S. Newman: $300 hr
    O Included post-session TODO list and between-session last min access and support, necessary as interviews
    and job offers are occurring, timely response and peroration is critical
  • Session dates are to be determined based on attendees. S2L will make every effort to accommodate each
    attendee’s scheduling needs.

Happy school2life Students